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Welcome Project

As times change so do the needs of the community. Our church hall no longer supports all who live in our community, as such we have decided that a renovation is needed.

We are fundraising to ensure our church hall is safe and inclusive for all who may wish to use it. There are plans for upgrades as well as additional rooms to support those in the community who need it.

If you would like to donate to this project you can click on the Just Giving button below, alternatively please speak to a church warden or the parish office

concept image of hall.jpg

June 2024

Sadly we have heard that rumours are circulating that we plan to knock the hall down.  This is completely untrue.  As you can see from our plans (below) we want to keep and enhance the hall for greater community use.

We do need your help though:

  1. It would be great if more local people could offer their support to the project and to help us develop and implement our plans.

  2. If you are able to contribute financially to the costs, please do so thorough our Just Giving page or contact us to talk about sponsorship.

  3. Please help us by correcting any rumours you hear!  Please ask people to check this site for updates.

If you have any questions about the project or want to know more, please e mail us.

Thank you


Welcome Project Update no. 5 January 2024

In this monthly Update, the Welcome Project Steering Group is pleased to share the news that our bid for Heritage Lottery funding has now been submitted and we await feedback. Secondly, there has been some early interest in the sale of the church house, although no firm offers as yet. Do circulate the link to anyone you know who might be interested. Recent problems with the boiler, and the floor, have certainly highlighted the imperative to proceed with the construction phase as soon as possible.


As I mentioned in the last Update, we will be continuing to rent both the Hall and Helliwell Room throughout the year whilst funding and planning permission move forward. Once the work starts, however, both areas will be closed whilst the site is in the construction phase.  


A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) has been started and is reproduced below:


Holy Trinity, Horfield Welcome Project FAQs

No. 2 March 2024

Whoever you are; wherever you come from, everyone is welcome here


Remind me, what is the Welcome Project?

A bold and ambitious project to re-furbish and update our existing church hall into a flexible community space.


But I thought we didn’t have any money

Our finances are certainly very challenged, and that’s reflective of the Church generally. At Holy Trinity, our bill for heating and lighting was £25,400 last year. We are working with the Diocese to make sure that our daily finances are secure whilst the project goes ahead.

The Welcome Project is not an add on, though, it is our church; a key part of working to bring the Kingdom of God to fruition here on earth by providing a welcoming and safe space for coming together as a community, for living out the message of social justice which as disciples of Christ we have been commanded to do.

Practically, the income from the new flexible community centre will help to bolster our day to day finances, and go towards things like the heating bills as well in the future.


Why don’t we wait until our finances are a bit more secure?

We can’t! No money has been spent on the hall for many years and everything needs replacing, from the heating to the electrics, and the roof needs a lot of work, too.


Ok, I can see this project is essential, both in terms of living out our Christian values, and practically, but how can we possibly fund it?

There are three main ways, all supported by prayer:

a.       BIDS A bid has been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund and we will know whether they are interested in supporting us by mid-April. We are also sending our business case to large local businesses with a request for financial support or sponsorship. Other grant funding is being worked-on by our industrious Fund Raising Committee who are following up grant recommendations from the Diocese and suggestions from church members.

b.       SELLING OUR ASSETS in the form of the church house: we have had interest from over a dozen people, and are confident we will sell it soon. If you know anyone who might be interested, the link is here:

c.       FUND-RAISING as a community. We have set ourselves an ambitious target of raising £100,000 towards the estimated cost of one million pounds for the project, but we’ve started well with over £5,500 raised through our Just Giving page and separate Welcome Project bank account Sort Code: 306232 Account Number: 64788960


Are there things I can do other than make a financial donation towards the project?

Absolutely! You can make a pledge to offer of your time and talents. There is a pledge box at the back of church, or speak with a warden (Caroline and Nick). You can also support our exciting developing programme of fund-raising events including a Strictly Masterclass and afternoon tea, Auction of Promises, Quiz and Curry.


When are these events? They sound great fun

Look out for more information coming soon.  


How do I find out more?

We are launching a new newsletter – Welcome Matters - at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on May 12th, which will bring together all the news as the project gathers momentum. In the meantime, we’ll circulate any updates via another FAQs, in print and digitally.

There is a display at the back of church, and one in the Hall and the Helliwell Room, too. You can also look at information on our website or contact a member of the Welcome Project Steering Group: Dennis Hughes, Jen Douglas, Jane Lewis, Garth Baker, Fr David, Phil Lewis, Rob Brace, Nick Stephenson and Caroline Plaice.


How do I get involved?

Speak to one of the Steering Group, or email the office:  There will also be calls via the pew sheet for specific support. If you don’t get to see the pew sheet regularly, and would like to be added to the email distribution list, let Caroline 07714 255670 email:   or Nick: 07742 488383 email:  know.


What if I’m not sure what I can offer, or have much confidence in what I can offer?

We often feel we’re not sure what we can offer, but please know that everyone can be involved and play some part, big or small. There will be many ways to do this, so please just have a chat with Caroline or Nick. 


I still have some questions. What should I do?

Get in touch with any of us, via the contact details above.


If you have any questions which I can add to the FAQs, thoughts or comments about the Welcome Project please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Welcome Project Steering Group. You can do this via the existing church email address:  Contact us, too, if you are interested in joining the Stakeholder Reference Group.


Our Business Case for the redevelopment is available here  Business Case


Images showing the current Hall and the concept proposal are below:

Current Hall                                                                                            Concept Proposal for Hall

07880 657829

Wellington Hill, Horfield, Bristol BS7 8ST, UK
Registered Charity: 1132013

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