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Parish Contacts

Who's who in the parish...

Rev'd Canon David McGladdery

Rev'd Canon Dr David McGladdery SCP


Telephone Number:

07859 787787


Parish Office


07880 657829


Caroline Plaice

Churchwarden &

Safeguarding Officer

Telephone Number:

07714 255670

Jonathan Crow

Jonathan Crow.JPG

Director of Music


Chair: The Revd. Canon Dr David McGladdery, SCP – Rector, Diocesan Synod*


Caroline Plaice                                                                  Nick Stephenson

Church Warden; Safeguarding Officer; Deanery Synod*               Inclusion, diversity and equality*


Christine Bufton - Treasurer                                                   Carolyn Larcey - PCC Secretary


Laura Bufton                                                                      Phil Lewis

Safeguarding Administrator; Electoral Roll Administrator             Community Links; Welcome Project Steering



Helen Currie – Children and Families                             Garth BakerStewardship Recorder; Deanery Synod,


Jonathan Crow – Director of Music*                               Jen Douglas -

                                                                                           Finance and Church School liaison


Warden of the children’s chapel: Grace Douglas


Risk Assessment, Health and Safety Advisory Team:

Those marked with *, and Karen Dunmall (First Aid Lead)


The Welcome Project – Steering Group

The Revd. Canon David McGladdery, SCP – Rector

Caroline Plaice – Church Warden       Nick Stephenson 

Jen Douglas                                          Phil Lewis

Jane Lewis                                             Garth Baker

Rob Brace                                              Roger Frame (John Frost Society)

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