Holy Trinity Church
Horfield, Bristol
Creating connections through the inclusive Catholic tradition in worship, welcome and service
Church Groups
We are delighted that a number of groups are associated with our church. Brief details of each are as follows:
Children and Young People's activities
Chick here for information about our activities for Children and Young People.
Church Choirs
Horfield has always enjoyed a rich and varied tradition of music. The choir presently consists of sixteen regular members - eleven adults and five junior singers; but there are spaces in the stalls for many more and we are always happy to welcome new members! More sopranos, altos and basses are especially needed at the present time, and we would also like to increase the number of juniors to around twelve. Horfield Parish Church Choir rehearses in church every other Thursday between 8-9pm. Junior Choir rehearses in church every other Wednesday between 7.15-8pm. All children of primary school age are welcome. The entire choir attends Parish Mass at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday mornings, but evening services (at 6.00 p.m.) are currently sung by the adults only, though we hope that they will be joined in due course by the juniors. On the first Sunday of the month, there is a full choral evensong, with introit, anthem, sung responses and canticles. Special services are also sung to celebrate Advent, Christmas and Lent.
Please contact The Director of Music, Jon Crow
Horfield Bellringers
Click here for information about the church bells and how to jon the Bellringers.
We meet every Wednesday 8–10pm in church to play handbells.
Please contact Gill Wilding: 0117 924 0864.
105th Brownies meet in the Church Hall on Mondays, from 6pm to 7.30pm.
Please contact Sheila Leaworthy: 0117 9696635
101st Guides meet in the Church Hall on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8pm and have a waiting list of new members.
Please contact Sarah Marriott: 0117 9501362
Horfield Theatre Company
Meets in the Church Hall on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays, 8 to 10pm and Sunday afternoon/evenings when a production is in progress. The company produces a variety of theatrical and other entertainments including musicals, straight theatre and murder mystery evenings over the course of the year and also introduce workshops to enhance the skills and interests of our members. We welcome new members in all areas of theatre both on and off stage. See www.horfieldtheatre.co.uk for details.
Horfield Families Group
We are a group of women (and sometimes men) who meet every second Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm in the parish hall. Our meetings include speakers who inform and encourage us to join in different activities. We also enjoy a variety of outside visits. We raise money for a different charity each year. All this gives us s sense of support and companionship. New members are very welcome. See www.horfieldfamiliesgroup.co.uk for details.
Mothers Union
Meets monthly in the Church Hall with a wide range of invited speakers. New members male or female welcomed or just drop in.
Please contact Carolyn Larcey 07531274948