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Funerals at Holy Trinity Horfield

Requests for funerals are normally made to us through the undertaker in the first place. We are always willing to take funerals, either in church or at a crematorium or cemetery, for anyone who has been connected with the church or who lived in the parish. We strongly recommend a funeral in church for someone who has been a regular worshipper here, and a Requiem Mass for those who have been regular communicants.

Funeral Fees


1. Service in church with a committal at either a cemetery or crematorium                                         £262

 - RSCM organist fee                                                   £75

TOTAL FEE                                                                 £337


2. Burial in a church yard of body or cremated remains on a separate occasion                                             £379


3. Burial of cremated remains in a church yard       £192


4. Service (in church, cemetery or crematorium, or funeral director’s chapel)                                           £228


For more details please see the Church of England website



(fees updated April 2024)

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Holy Trinity, Horfield, is part of the Bristol Diocese of the Church of England



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