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Our plan to replace the church path - and how you can help.

Regular visitors to Holy Trinity Church will know that over the years the path - the only access to and from the church and through the churchyard, has been deteriorating and is now dangerous making the church inaccessible for many people.

We are delighted to announce our exciting project to build a new church path.  Ensuring that our church is accessible to everyone is a top priority.  The new path will be designed with accessibility in mind, featuring a smooth, even surface that is easy to traverse with wheel-chairs, walkers, and strollers. The path will be paved with pennant stone slabs making it durable and sustainable.

Please help us to transform our current path by sponsoring a slab;  in doing so you will be directly contributing to the safety and inclusiveness of our church. 


Sponsor a Slab

We invite you to sponsor a slab for the new path.

Each square metre of stone costs approximately £100, and we will need a total of 170 square metres to complete the project. 


Please generously support this project. Donations can be made in memory of a person and names of donors will be recorded (donations can be made anonymously if you prefer).


The easiest way to sponsor a slab is though our Welcome Project Just Giving page, where you can also agree that Gift Aid can be reclaimed on your donation.  Please ensure you use the reference 'Stone Slab'.




Donations can also be made directly to the 
Welcome Project Account 
Sort Code: 306232 Account Number: 64788960  (ref. “stone slab”), 


By cheque - payable to ‘Horfield PCC’  (please write “stone slab” on back)


or in Cash to the Churchwarden or Rector


A donation form, including a Gift Aid Declaration is available in the church.  If you would like one e mailed to you please contact us at â€‹â€‹


Thank you in anticipation of your support

07880 657829

Wellington Hill, Horfield, Bristol BS7 8ST, UK
Registered Charity: 1132013

©2018 by Horfield Parish Church. Proudly created with

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